Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball

Serving size: one fett

Contains: 77% fail, 12% mental disorders, 5% shame, 2% cholesterol, 2% procrastination, 1% potassium benzoate, 1% ibuprofen. Also contains trace amounts of: lulz, internet memes, scientific humor, Dr. Pepper and Red #5.

Does not contain: win, creativity, physical fitness, hope, pesticides or self esteem.

The Surgeon General recommends pregnant women, those with compromised immune systems and pretty much everyone to not use fett. Those that do should avoid prolonged exposure. If taken internally, consult a physician immediately.


Unknown said...

Only 12% mental disorders? Lucky! Also, I'm not a woman at all so I can have as much fett as I want. Yay!

The Taco Prophet said...

*rubs up against dr.fett*

Can't stop me. I'm not a pregnant woman.

Tim said...

Is there a discount for bulk purchases?

suyapi said...

I switched to cherry Dr. Pepper. Am I still allowed to use?