Thursday, January 8, 2009

I didn't know my friends were so poetic

I've been emailing back and forth with a friend of mine in Georgia, still toiling away in grad school. We normally trade emails every few months, but the past couple days she's been bugging me. I mentioned that I have a crush on the cute stockroom girl, and my friend is goading me into asking her out. She asked me if I had asked CSG out yet, and I reply that it took me 3 months to ask her name. I need time to work up to asking out. My friend replies, and I'm quoting here:

"C'mon man! Rip off the band-aid, pull your nuts out of your taint, and ask her to join you for lunch or something!"

Pull your nuts out of your taint. You really have to love that line. It has the perfect combination of medieval stylized properness and blunt vulgarity.

Additionally, I googled that phrase to see if she had pulled it from somewhere (she didn't) and it returned quite a few interesting results. Such as "what's the perfect way to wipe your ass?" and "shaving your balls is harder than most other body parts".

Yeah, I didn't know my afternoon was going to go there either.


suyapi said...

That is an awesome phrase. A nice mix of the slightly off kilter and yet perfectly descriptive.

The Taco Prophet said...

I'm stealing that phrase.

Larriken said...

Yup. Totally stealing it. Next time one of my engineers dicks around not giving me a straight answer in staff meeting, that's coming out of the blue on his ass...