Saturday, May 30, 2009

It never rained

"It never rained on the night of the Larrabee party, the Larrabees wouldn't have stood for it."
- Sabrina

I just got back from a picture-card wedding for picture-card people. On the drive back from Greencastle I passed through a town called Carp. I think it was a town. There was a blip on my GPS call Carp and I saw a metal pole with a small green sign proclaiming. For all I know, it's the home of a really famous fish. In any event, I decided that I need to write a story titled A Town Called Carp. It will be the story of a small backwoods Indiana town that houses an amateur mystical circus/freak show. It will be run by a 700 year-old Chinese man. Any weary traveller that should pass through will have their dreams turned to nightmares in the various attractions.

This may or may not be the plot to the Seven Faces of Dr. Lao.

Yeah, I really shouldn't be let out without adult supervision.

On a side note, tonight I feel very, very alone.

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