Friday, September 3, 2010

On the pressure of peers

Couple of days ago I went into my googledocs to send a share invite to Taco for some ideas I had so he could tell me how lame they were. Reading in between the Taco lines, they were lame. But while I was there I sent a share invite to my girlfriend so she could read my Thomas Waits story. She's read a couple other things by me, and I'm slowly meting out my stories to her. Turns out she seems to really like it. I mentioned how I submitted it for publication a couple times and it got rejected. Now she really really wants me to submit it and more stuff. To the point that we spent most of the evening at Barnes and Noble reading short fiction magazines so I could see which ones I should submit to. She made me...MADE some of them.

This is a conspiracy, isn't it. You fuckers put her up to this, didn't you. Why do you hate me so?

(though I did see some that take novellas, which means I could submit Pebbleman....NO, THAT WAY LIES MADNESS)


The Taco Prophet said...

Thing 1: There is no between the lines with me. Your idea was not lame. In fact, I quite liked your idea. I mentioned the other work playing off a similar idea to illustrate this point... the concept has stuck with me about 20 years at this point. It's awesome, and you should run with it. It's a terribly underexplored motif.

Thing 2: Good. Your writing is wonderful. I'm quite jealous of your skill. And I am not exaggerating when I say that Pebbleman is one of my favorite things I've ever read.

Unknown said...

I found the perfect way to avoid peer pressure. I don't acknowledge the existence of peers.

fett said...

That me be true, but on the flip side if I let my peers pressure me enough I may actually publish something.

And Taco, IT WAS LAME. LAAAAAAAAAAAAME. I am King Lamedon, High Lameness of Lametron.

The Taco Prophet said...

It was not lame. Fucker. (I'm trying Blue's tactics to bully you into admitting you're wrong. Is it working? Maybe I should give the stinkeye. I'm not too good at it though. It's more of a vaguely-unpleasant-somebody-might-have-farted eye. But I'll go there. Oh yes.)

Anyway, yeah. Not lame. Write. I'm serious.