Wednesday, June 4, 2008

James is a big fucker and should call me.

James, you are a big fucker. And you should call me.

In other news, I am now out of debt. I finally got my "extra paycheck" this month. It's not really extra. Under my old source of income I was getting paid on the last day of the month, but now that I moved to my fellowship I'm getting paid on the first of the month, so this month I got two paychecks. In three years when I go off the fellowship there will be a two month period where I don't get paid, so I better have some money saved up by that point. I had a significant portion of my credit card debt paid off by now, but with the huge surge of money, everything is paid off in full. Plus I got my "economic stimulus oh fuck the economy is tanking" check yesterday, and I had a couple messed up charges on a credit card reversed, so I am positively rolling in dough at the moment (that is, until I have to pay off my quarterly estimated taxes).

So now that I am out of debt, what do I do? GO BACK INTO DEBT, OF COURSE. Not really, but sort of. I have been putting off buying a couple of things until I got my credit cards paid off, time to take care of that. Plus, I've been feeling pretty shitty about myself lately (I won't go into that). Time to go to Best Buy, which I did last night. I've needed a new monitor for my computer for about 3 years. This is the second monitor I've had that didn't crap out but went inordinately dim, so much so that I have to crank up the brightness on everything just to see what the hell is going on. Granted, the monitor is 10 years old at this point, so it really doesn't owe anybody anything. So I bought a new monitor, a 22" widescreen LCD from LG. Probably spent too much, but I DON'T FUCKING CARE. It's a nice monitor, I am pleased. I also bought the Complete Lego Star Wars for the Wii, which may just be the best thing ever. I contemplated buying Legend of Zelda, but I decided to wait. I almost bought Guitar Hero III, but I want to try it out on someone elses machine before I decide to buy it. I also bought some blank DVD's FOR COMPLETELY LEGAL PURPOSES I assure you. All in all, pretty good trip.

Next item to buy, a new recliner. For the past 6 months the only functional chair in my apartment has been my office chair, which will probably need to be replaced sometime soon since it's gotten overworked. I'm going to buy a nice recliner. Possibly leather.

Even with all these expenditures, I'll still be playing with mostly house money. So, for once, my money situation is pretty good. Now if I could get the rest of my life figured out....


suyapi said...

Congratulations! One day I hope to be able to say the same. About getting out of debt, that is.

Oh, and buying a recliner, too. Mmmm, comfy chair...

Unknown said...

I have heard of this "out of debt" thing. Is it like beer? It sounds like beer.

fett said...

It's as good as beer. It allows for the mass purchase of beer. Therefore, it is aaaaaaaaaall good.