Friday, December 7, 2007

The half of the Letterman list


Top 5 comments posted to my blog by other people.

5. suyapi sad. Will make next year. Please lord awesomeness over suyapi.
- Suyapi

4. Yeah, you act like you've never seen a chick with oil and a tarp before. Prude.

What's the URL for your blogger thingy. Tell Coyote or I will eat your soul!
- Coyote

3. Holy shit, did I just get a mention in someone's blog I don't know my first time reading it?

I think... wait.


Yeah. I think I just got all tingly in my pinkish-beige parts. (I may be very pale, but I'm a very pale olive person. It's part beige down there.)

Woah, wait a second!


My nips are hard! I mean, they kind of always are, genetically, but I mean, we're talking goosebumps in the areola region now, so it's for real!

Wow! This is turning into a great evening! Two out of...several of my sensual parts have been activated without my having to do anything but show up and allow the reading reflex to take hold!

And it was a post that mentions SWAMP CROTCH, no less! Add a cherry on top!

- Inga

2. Yay! You moved!! *Hugs you for moving*

There is way more than a smidgen of awesome within you and you deserve someone equally amazing to share your life with. I hope she doesn't take as long to find you as Kev did to find me. ;)
- Blue

1. Blue called me a jackass the other day. Clearly, you've been a bad influence on her. She was sweet and kind and always frolicking with butterflies and bluebirds until you showed up. Then it's all "you're a jackass, Taco" and "I'm setting you on fire, Taco" and "suffer working with the offline db guys, Taco."

My life is misery.

Where was I? Oh yes, fondling your pant critters.

Also, I like the opening of Joker quite a bit. Don't change it.
- Taco


The Taco Prophet said...

Woo! I took #1! *does the pants off dance off*

Grimmstail said...

I like #3. I like reading it and then reading it again and again. And after I read it enough I have to go have some alone time. All better now.

suyapi said...

I think it wasn't so much the comment as that Taco was actually doing the fondling.