Thursday, April 17, 2008

Karma's a bitch

I didn't know karma could act that fast.

So, the mutual friend of my play-stalker and I had her birthday Tuesday. The play-stalker comes to me and says we should give mutual friend some grief. I'm amenable to the idea. She says, how about we get everyone we know to email the mutual friend with a happy birthday message, fill her inbox. I say ok, but shouldn't we take it a little farther? How about get everyone we know to email mutual friend with a sort of mean email. Basically the type of stuff only your mother can get away with. Play-stalker likes this idea. So I bulk email my lab (of over 20 people) to have them email mutual friend. And then I email old friends from Georgia that know mutual friend. I'm not sure how many came through, but I know some did. My own email was something along the lines of "so you're what...45? 50? And still in graduate school? At least you have a husband to support you...oh wait." And then on. So it was sort of mean, but not really. All in jest, all in good fun. All for the name of a prank.

Well, karma has come back around. That very afternoon I nearly rip the fingernail off my left middle finger. We have beer fridges in lab to hold supplies, the kind with the sliding glass doors. I had my hand on a door while I slid it open. My middle finger got caught and slipped under the overlapping door. Except the fingernail didn't. The first third of it went upwards. I had a latex glove on at the time. The glove started to fill with blood. I went to check it, and I found that the nail was still up. So I folded it back down, and the glove got caught. But I am thankful I had the glove on so that I couldn't see what the underside of my nail looks like. So that hurts still. Then today I was leaning down to look at a gel and smashed my head on the metal corner or a tabletop shaker. No blood, but it hurt. And then I smashed my thumb in a bathroom stall door.

I thought karma was supposed to wait until my next life, not hit within a few days. I think I need to make out a will.


Unknown said...

Bad karma is faster than light. Good karma doesn't exist. Just for future reference.

The Taco Prophet said...

If Happy Fun Karma begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.

Happy Fun Karma may stick to certain types of skin.

When not in use, Happy Fun Karma should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration.

Failure to do so relieves the makers of Happy Fun Karma of any and all liability.

Ingredients of Happy Fun Karma include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

Happy Fun Karma has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is also being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Karma.

Happy Fun Karma comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Happy Fun Karma! Accept no substitutes!

Larriken said...

Ha! You got a Brazilian hug too! Well whaddyaknow! Your Karma is looking better already.

Just in time, too. I was going to offer you my pet Karma Chameleon, but you come and go. You come and go!