Monday, April 21, 2008

One step forward, two steps back

Well, this weekend I went out on a second date with the woman from last weekend. It was nice, we went to a local winery, tasted some, then went to lunch. At the end of the date she asked for a kiss, I kissed her VERY POORLY, but so it goes. Then this weekend she sends me an email telling me she's not looking for anything serious and I have to realize that. Well, I am looking for something serious, so that's off. Can't say I'm surprised, but I'm still sad. That was the best yet, and I'm becoming dissatisfied with the internet dating, but I have no clue how to go about dating without it. Part of me just wants to give up, part of me wants to keep trying.

So, blech. Just........blech.


The Taco Prophet said...

I wound up in a similar kind of funk when I finished school and started playing in the so-called "real world." I wasn't looking to date so much (I was seeing wifezilla, and she didn't look favorably on me dating other people by that point). For me it was just the general loneliness issue... I'm extremely introverted, so I don't meet people easily. It wasn't too bad when I was tossed into a classroom full of people I had at least that subject in common with. But out in the really real world, I had no clue how to meet people and make friends.

Part of my problem, of course, was that I avoided anything resembling social interaction with my coworkers, theorizing that they had to spend all day around me at work, and wouldn't want a reminder of work infringing upon their free time.

I figured that taking up some hobby I'd put off in favor of book learnin' would do the trick. Pursuing said hobby should put me around other people with at least that interest in common, and then friends, yay!

Didn't really work for me so much... I chose to take up the guitar, and after a couple of years, stopped playing in a band and stopped playing in public. The only musician I really know now is my guitar teacher. I play tons, but just in my living room. Turns out my social ineptitude and general mislike of people shines through. Yay misanthropy!

I'm still rather convinced that it's a good strategy for meeting people that may be of use for something more than warming kidneys should one of us more deserving ever need them, however. Is there anything you've put off while you buckled down on your edjuma... edgama... learn you some books?

Re: internet dating, I suppose I'm not entitled to an opinion, but I've never felt that the whole thing was particularly sound. I'll forgo my rantings on the subject for now, though.

Re: blech, I wouldn't worry too much. My first meeting with wifezilla went about as badly as it's possible to go, and I still tricked her into shacking up with me. :)

suyapi said...

I have a female friend who almost caved and went to church socials. But she found her right mind before she went.

And no hook ups unless you want to move to San Fran. Sorry.

fett said...

Re: hobby

No, not really. The only thing I could see myself getting into is the film scene in town. And while watching movies is a communal experience, it is also isolating as well. It doesn't lead to meeting people.

And I have no grand illusions about internet dating. It's just a way of meeting people, and I doubt it has any statistically significant difference in the percentage of successful matches than any other thing.

Why is life so much despair, hopelessness and misery? Why?! he cries to the heavens, beating his chest.

Re: Suyapi *prepares to move to San Fran*

suyapi said...

I'm not a huge 50 Cent fan, or anything, but one of his lyrics I always found pretty apt. It says "Death must be easy, 'cause living is hard. It'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred."