Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It is said

Count de Monet: it is said the people are revolting
King Louis XVI: you said it! They stink on ice!
- History of the World: Part I

(it's been a long time since I did the topical movie quote to lead off a blog entry. Bite me, I'm lazy)

So it has finally happened. It's been a long time coming, but now war is being waged. After long years of neglect my body is now in open rebellion against me. It started quietly. The first whispers of dissension began 2 years ago when I was diagnosed with diabetes. But with the iron boot of exercise and medication I quelled those whispers. I should've learned from other dictators. You can stop the voices, but you cannot stop the war.

My wisdom teeth are now engaging in guerrilla warfare. The two on the left side have taken a piece of tissue from my jaw hostage and gnashing it to pieces. They are also cutting into my cheek. They lay quiescent for years, hurting only when they first came in, not bothering me since. Now they are literally trying to chew my face off from within.

So yeah, in lots of pain.

I ask around in lab and find a dentist people use. It's time for the wisdom teeth to come out. I haven't been keeping them for any particular reason, I just never found the opportunity to remove them. The opportunity has arisen. They need to be gone so I can stop with the being in pain. I call to make an appointment. The earliest they can take me is Feb. 11.


Alright, fine, I'll manage.

This morning I get a call from them. They've had a couple cancellations, can I come in this morning? Oh hell yes, let's get started on getting these bastards out of my head. So this morning I head to the dentist, get a cleaning and checkup and whatnot, get X-rays taken that eventually the oral surgeon will need. Get a referall to an oral surgeon, need to call them and make an appointment to get my jaw sawed off. So that's a fun morning.

What's in the afternoon you say?

How about a trip to the BMV! (Bureau of Motor Vehicles)

I've been putting off getting my new license for some time, aka 6 months. Why you ask? Cause in Indiana when you get a new license you have to retake the written test. You fucking kidding me? Ah shit, I haven't studied for a test in 4 years or so. But my insurance company currently has a bounty on me because I've been dragging my feet on this thing. They finally got ahold of my cell phone number, so they can bug me directly. Time to get this done. So I study up and head to the BMV and take the fucking test. I pass. And I laugh hysterically at the test. There are a couple tough questions, but the majority of them are so stupidly easy only a braindead moron would miss them. Then I laugh harder when I hear some 16 year old kid failed his.

While I'm there, I also register to vote, transfer the title on my car to myself, and register the car with the state. Paperwork out the ass. Plus it cost over a hundred bucks, on top of the seventy for the dental exam.

So morning at the dentist, afternoon at the BMV. I think this evening I'll get a rectal exam and call it a day.


The Taco Prophet said...

Ugh. Wisdom teeth.

I had mine out when I was nineteen. They were giving me migraines. Time to get rid of them, right?


The bastard we went to is apparently Cro Magnon. He put me fully under. Tube down my throat and everything. Then he cut away a portion of bone in my jaw, twisted an awl into the nascent teeth, shattered them, and vacuumed out the shards. Then he sewed me up and sent me on my merry way.

True story: I started to come to in the recovery room, drugged out of my mind, and with gauze pouring forth from my mouth. I started mumbling and an unbearably hot nurse came over to check on me. She unpacked all the shit from my mouth and asked what I was saying, to which I responded, "I look like a fucking molotov cocktail." She smiled, patted me on the cheek (ow), and repacked my mouth.

I lost all sensation between several of my teeth. I bleed like a stuck pig when I floss because I can't tell how hard I'm flossing.

A couple years later, my brother was going through the wisdom tooth ectomy, and it sounded a hell of a lot more civilized than the shit I endured. When the doctor got done describing his procedure, he asked if my brother had any questions.

Emu had none, but I had lots of questions.

I described what was done to me, and his doctor informed me that nobody had done the surgery that way in decades.

Nice. Lucky me.

Unknown said...

I'm just gonna go get dentures. Those dudes have it easy.

So the dentist and Motor Vehicles in one day. What are you going to do tomorrow? Volunteer for ass rape and castration?

suyapi said...

#1 - If you see a red sign with 8 sides and white writing at an intersection, what do you do?

Um, punch my passenger in the face?