Friday, March 21, 2008


Have you met Archimedes? The one with the black spots, you see? You remember Archimedes of Syracuse, eh? The king asks Archimedes to determine if a present he's received is actually solid gold. Unsolved problem at the time. It tortures the great Greek mathematician for weeks - insomnia haunts him and he twists and turns in his bed for nights on end. Finally, his equally exhausted wife - she's forced to share a bed with this genius - convinces him to take a bath to relax. While he's entering the tub, Archimedes notices the bath water rise. Displacement, a way to determine volume, and that's a way to determine density - weight over volume. And thus, Archimedes solves the problem. He screams "Eureka" and he is so overwhelmed he runs dripping naked through the streets to the king's palace to report his discovery.
- Pi

So, I figured out why the internet dating thing isn't working for me. I was working under a false assumption. I had assumed that I was a generally decent guy, that I had attributes many women would love, and the main reason my love life had been lackluster up to this point was due to timidness, from not trying, from not putting myself out there.

This, you see, was an error.

I forgot the basic principle of dating. Never get in a land war in Asia. No wait, wrong one. The most fundamental principle in dating is that one has to be attractive to the people you are trying to attract! I had forgotten how unattractive I am. How undesirable I am. Now it all makes sense.

I think this whole thing may have been a mistake. All it's really done is make me feel bad about myself. 90% of the people I contact never reply back. 9% reject me. And the 1% was ew. Plus it drives my obsessive nature absolutely nuts when I see someone I'm really interested in has gotten my message and doesn't reply back. I'm too crazy for this. Additionally, it's made my blog a really unpleasant thing to read. That's not cool.


The Taco Prophet said...

I feel obliged to interrupt the pity party:

1) Seriously, I believe you find it when you find it. It doesn't matter if you're looking or not. So since looking just makes you crazy, I say fuck it all and just have a good time. It comes when it comes.

2) You're not an unattractive man. I'd offer up wifezilla's testimony, but we already know her judgement is suspect. So I offer only my own unerring viewpoint. We all know that my opinion is fact.

Unknown said...

What you look like means almost nothing. Look at me. No seriously, look. Nothing special, yeah? Well I've had my share and some of the next guy's share besides. It's all about how you carry yourself, nothing more.