Monday, March 17, 2008

Updates abound!

I had dinner with Very Nice Woman yesterday. Yeeeeaaaaah, thaaaaaaat's not gonna work. She sent me an email last night "blah blah blah I don't know why you're single blah blah you're awesome blah." And I had to be like "um, this isn't going to work, best of luck, buhbye."

Ok, so things were a lot more civil than that, but that's the gist of it. Oh well. My options are decreasing rapidly, but off we go, let's try the next.


Unknown said...

Details, you no details giving bastard! Was she a cyclops? Did she have a hilarious medical condition? A vestigial tail perhaps?

The Taco Prophet said...

Details, schmetails... can I be next?

suyapi said...

Did she give you the crazy eyes?

fett said...

I don't trust anyone that goes out of their way to say they "don't have a prejudiced bone in their body". It was just a lot of little stuff together that, by the end of an hour, made me not only not want to see this person romantically, but not even know them. By the end of two hours I was thinking about shoving my finger through her eye.

Ah well. The internet dating thing is not going well. I winked at a bunch of people (the way of saying hi there, I'm interested) and have yet to hear back from any. Of course, like 3 of them haven't logged into for over 3 weeks, which is not a good sign. I have like 1 or 2 more leads to pursue, but after that I'm tapped out. Which is disappointing, but hey, at least I tried.

suyapi said...


Personally, I like to click the locks shut on my car whenever a decently dressed white person walks past. It entertains me to make sure they know it's because of them.

As much as I hate to say it, giving up might be the way you find someone. I swear that works more often than it should.

The Taco Prophet said...

Seems to me you always find the one you're looking for when you're not looking. But then, I'm retarded and you're all just humoring me, so what the fuck do I know? I LIKE PIE! I CAN RUB MY TUMMY AND JUMP ROPE AT THE SAME TIME! I HAVE CAT NAMED COOKIE! ONE TIME I ATE DOUBLESTUF OREOS TILL I BARFED!

suyapi said...

You can rub your tummy and jump rope at the same time? By yourself? Now THAT'S talent.

fett said...

The thing that is really bugging me is not the rejection, it's the apathy. I can handle rejection. It's when I send a get-to-know-you dealie to someone and they never respond back. That pisses me off. If you're not interested, ok, that's fine. Tell me. But to leave things hanging is rude.

My subscription to both websites is for 3 months. I think I'm going to call this a 3 month experiment, and if it continues to go in this fashion, I will cancel after that time.

This wouldn't be so bad if I could just get laid. 30 is hurtling toward me faster and faster, and I don't have sex by then I may just have to kill myself. Which would suck.

The Taco Prophet said...

Hey, I offer and I offer, and you just keep ignoring my advances. I'm gonna break out the chloroform if I don't get some attention soon.

fett said...

I'm intimidated by the fact I could never satisfy you.

suyapi said...

Hey, that's never stopped me. Ever.

The Taco Prophet said...

Just because I'm insatiable doesn't mean I can't be temporarily satisfied. Repeatedly. Chop chop, young man!