Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The cool kids at the back of the short bus

First posted 10-22-07

10 thoughts from TacoCon!

1. I would say that Blue is 10 times cooler in person but that just wouldn't be true. Blue's coolness factor, in fact, goes to 11. She goes to 11. I am simply not worthy.

2. Blue's husband must love Blue very, very, very......very much. He too, is more awesome than we can handle.

3. Larriken, in addition to totally looking like a professor I knew in graduate school, is a cool dude DESPITE THE FRICKEN PUNS. You punny maniac.

4. Taco and Coyote are terrible....terrible influences on me. I am a shy, quiet, reserved person, damnit! But Taco hands me his phone with his gay coworker on the other end and what do I say? "Hello sweetcheeks". Though I am rather proud of my message to Suyapi, especially the last line.

5. I believe if I were to calculate the total amount of time I spent doing certain activities, the time spent giggling like a retarded schoolgirl would outnumber the time spent breathing. I think I sprained something giggling.

6. That woman, Hilary I think you said her name was? Hooooooooly fucking moses she was hot. When I check into my hotel room in the historic Zebulon Regency Hotel for TacoCon '08 I would appreciate her being there in a french maid's outfit and a bottle of baby oil, thanks.

7. A list of phrases that will be repeated through the coming year that, unless you were there, you will not understand but to those of us present they are absolutely hysterical.
- Invisible Goat is Invisible
- Is he a Bears fan?
- Get some south in your mouth
- That ain't no Georgia sweet tea
- Whorecat is cheap
- Larry would like to talk to you about gun control
- Check out that splatter radius
- You guys got that real funny way of writing shit
- Change the light bulb
- You guy are weird

8. Suyapi, Emu and Noq are all immensely lame for not showing up. You all do realize we are going to lord the awesome time we had over you for the rest of your lives.

9. Mitch Hedberg FTW.

10. I got diarrhea. Shake your booty, shake your booty.

Now, not everything at TacoCon was awesome. As I was driving back to my apartment Sunday, I stopped off to get dinner, and right after as I was stopped at a light the woman in the passanger seat in the car in front of me opened the door and vomited onto the pavement. Ok, not pleasant....but it got worse. We're on the on-ramp to the highway, I'm still behind this car, and the door opens again and again the woman barfs. From a moving vehicle. In front of me. Large pale chunks of an unidentifiable material bounced off the pavement and hit my car. Their car swurved to the shoulder and I went home. Needless to say, my dinner got quite cold before I could approach it.

Lastly, I didn't realize how much everyone hated Blogdrive. I will begin the process of migrating my posts over to my blogger account. It'll take some time, but eventually I'll be over there permanently. Until then, stay tuned to this Bat-channel.

Now...Taco...where's my nun pic?! I know you'll be looking at the porn cause it's going to be a reeeeeeaaaaal long time before your wife touches you again.

Posted by suyapi @ 10/24/2007 07:47 PM PDT
suyapi sad. Will make next year. Please lord awesomeness over suyapi.
Posted by Coyote @ 10/24/2007 07:33 PM PDT

Sweet blessed Zebulon, how I miss ye...
Posted by Taco @ 10/23/2007 04:05 PM PDT
Next time I'm passing through your part of the world, I'm kidnapping you, Noq. And chaining you in my attic. And if the other guys are really really lucky, I won't have used you completely up by TacoCon '08. :)
Posted by Tim @ 10/23/2007 10:38 AM PDT
But broke Noq was broke. :(
Posted by Taco @ 10/23/2007 09:48 AM PDT
I just sent you the nun pic (or a link to it, anyway). Thanks for the reminder.

TacoCon. Was. Awesome. I love all you guys with my entire pants.
Posted by Bluejeangirlnc @ 10/22/2007 09:44 PM PDT
And Fett... you don't HAVE to move over to blogger with us, but if you make it easier we'll comment more often I promise. :)
Posted by Bluejeangirlnc @ 10/22/2007 09:43 PM PDT
No gathering was ever more awesome than TacoCon '07.

A few of my favorites:

Fett trying to tell a story. He has the patience of a saint when all Taco could do was giggle like a maniac and ask "Was he a Bears fan?"

Fett's "Whorecat is cheap!" pose. Dear God why wasn't my camera at the ready for this? You all desperately need to have seen this.

Coyote's wooting over Zebulon. It's as if after decades of searching he'd found his place in the world.

Larry trying to get into a conversation about gun control and all of us waving fett off.. dear God don't ask!!

Texting suyapi and the whole room going silent while we did. Oh.. and Coyote texting Taco while he was texting suyapi because he wanted to be one of us. (You are one of us, I promise.)

Seeing everyone in person and realizing my "virtual" friends are real and much more awesome together than I'd ever imagined.

Having my husband sit in Taco's kitchen for nearly 5 hours and all of us giggling like children over some of the silliest shit imaginable. He really loves me I swear. Oh.. and he says he was glad to have been there so he'll be back for TacoCon '08!

For all of you that weren't there.. you'd better buy your tickets early for next year. It's going to be HUUUGGGGEEE!!!

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