Wednesday, November 21, 2007


First posted 11-5-07

I realized after the fact that during all the fun of TacoCon I forgot to show those interested parties the notes for my novel. For this, I blame everyone and thing but myself. Obviously I am not culpable.

Also, I am sending out googledoc invites for my Pebbleman short story to interested parties. I have completely stalled on writing it, for which I blame my lack of computer at work where I did a lot of writing in my off moments. So I am sending out invites for two purposes. 1. it is the best thing I've ever written so I want people to see it. 2. I need people who's opinion I respect to tell me that it's awesome and if I don't finish it it will be a travesty against nature. You all know I'm not one to toot my own horn....but this story is pretty damn good.

Posted by Taco @ 11/08/2007 04:38 PM PST
I missed the post for a while (stinky blogdrive *cough*) but feel it absolutely imperative to say (where other people can read it and hopefully be all jealouslike):

fett... it's in-fucking-credible. There's one thing I'm curious about that I think will probably be addressed when one of the notes-sections is fleshed out. Otherwise, minor typos, punctuation, or grammar things. The story is insanely awesome. The characters are insanely awesome. I fucking dreamed about the pebbleman the night I read the story. No shit.

If you don't finish this story (and sooner than later), I will personally hunt you down and... uh... hell, I'm not sure. Withhold mansex until you do?
Posted by Coyote @ 11/07/2007 07:09 PM PST
I mentioned to Taco the very next day that we had been hoodwinked. You hoodwinker!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww I loved that part with Ginny and Harry too...there's just such a charm with the Potter books that I feel is undeniable. I think she has this sincerity and such a vivid picture in her mind of the entire Potter world that just about anyone can become engrossed in it if they give it a chance :)