Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You're like the theif

First posted 9-10-07

You're like the thief who isn't the least bit sorry he stole, but is terribly, terribly sorry he's going to jail.
- Gone With the Wind

(I hate that movie. I really do.)

I am shamelessly stealing these questions from Coyote's blog, because, well, I think my answers are interesting. And of course there is nothing more fascinating than myself. S'true, I told myself so.

1) I've just given you a cocktail that will stop your heart after 48 hours and there is no cure. How will you spend these 48 hours?

Step 1: Sell everything I own.
Step 2: Amass big pile of cash.
Step 3: Fly to Vegas.
Step 4: There is no 4
Step 5: Indulge in every possible sin that A) money can buy (which is everything) and B) I can afford (which is not everything). This includes sex with 5 large breasted hookers at once.
Step 6: Die with a smile on my face and await possible punishment/enlightenment/obliteration after death

2) What is your idea of a perfect world?

It's a simple request. For everyone to mind their own fucking business. Is it that hard? For the most part, things would go so much easier if people just minded their own business. Sure, there are exceptions, but if everyone just kept their judgements to themselves everyone would get along so much easier.

3) I give you 10 Million dollars but with these terms: You must move out of the country and you must leave alone and tell no one where you are going. Do you take it?

Absolutely. This is exactly the type of thing I'd do. It's built into my personality. I have very little to save here outside of friends and family, and to friends and family it would be a great mystery. I keep threatening to become a hermit, this would be even better.

4) If you could live as a character from any movie, which would it be?

Richard Blaine from Casablanca. The part in Casablanca, not in Paris. I want that life.

5) What is one thing most people don't know about you?

I have a favorite Psalm. I really do. Which is weird considering I'm the most...well, a-religious isn't the right word. Neither is anti-religious. Let's just say I have a strong dislike and distrust of organized religions, particularly christian ones. But I have a favorite Psalm. Psalm 120, the King James version.

1In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me.

2Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.

3What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue?

4Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper.

5Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar!

6My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.

7I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.

Posted by Taco @ 09/11/2007 10:36 AM PDT
I originally read "This includes sex with 5 large breasted hookers at once" and interpreted it to mean sex with a hooker that has five large breasts. Now I have a new goal in life.
Posted by Coyote @ 09/10/2007 05:55 PM PDT
I was enjoying the post until you got to the part where you want to leave us and be a hermit. When there are so few cool people in the world why would you deny us one of our own? That ain't right.

Gone With the Wind is my sister's favorite film of all time. I can take it or leave it personally with a leave it most days.

To sum up:

No hermit! Bad fett!

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