Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just list your five

"Just list your five main interests in order of importance."

- Ghost World

Oh yeah, you knew there was going to be a List of Five. It's the in thing to do now. It started here. Which is an awesome awesome blog. Great way to spend an afternoon avoiding work. Then my friends and friends of friends started making lists on their blogs. And I need to do one, otherwise I won't be one of the "cool kids". And I'll be damned if I learned this secret handshake for nothing.


Five Things That Make Life Worth Living

1. Mint chocolate chip ice cream - I don't like mint. Straight up mints? Yuck. Mint this that or the other? No way. Not even a big fan of chocolate. But mint chocolate chip ice cream? Food of the GODS.

2. New guitar strings - it's like getting a new pair of shoes but better. They never sound better than they do right that moment, and you can practically feel all the music in them. It actually feels GOOD to play.

3. A pipe, a porch, a single malt scotch, an autumn evening and a good friend - there is nothing, and I mean nothing, like sitting on a porch, smoking a pipe, enjoying a scotch and arguing with a friend.

4. Limeade - lime is good. Ade is good. Limeade is sex. FUWAH.

5. Porn.

Posted by Coyote @ 07/24/2007 06:52 PM PDT
For the record I had never heard of 5ives when I started doing my Five Things thing. It is an awesome site though.

There should be pornade.


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