Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why my friends are more awesome than yours

First posted 8-30-07

And by awesome I mean sick, twisted individuals. Which might be the same thing.

As per request, I am answering Taco's list of 5 offensive questions. And I am going to be honest (god help me).

Here we go. It's been nice knowing you all.

1. What's your favorite book of all time?

Neuromancer by William Gibson

2. Now that you've given a totally bullshit answer in order to impress people on the intarwebs whom you've never met, stop being a poser and tell us what your real favorite book of all time is.

Possibly Dune by Frank Herbert, possibly The Lord of the Rings by Tolkein, possibly The Last Continent by Terry Pratchett and quite possibly Neuromancer by William Gibson. These are the books I have read the most and therefore should could towards favorites. I haven't really put much thought into a favorite favorite.

Unless porn counts, in which case: porn.

3. What famous person, past or present, would you ravage sexually given the opportunity? Addendum: this person must be counter to your own sexual orientation. If you are heterosexual, they must be of your sex. If you are homosexual, they must be of the opposite sex. If you are bisexual, they must be an animal or a plant.

I am heterosexual therefore must choose a man. And the man I choose is Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame. I have a gigantic man crush on Mike Rowe. He's DREAMY. Honorable mentions: Johnny Depp, Bear Grylls, Abraham Lincoln.

4. What's the most bizarre sexual act you've ever committed? If you puss out and post something that's not interesting, we get to make fun of you. Make something up if you have to. Use lots of adjectives.

I'm a 28 year old virgin. That should be considered a bizarre sexual act itself.

However...sigh...I'll confess the worst I've done. Mastrubated in a public restroom.

5. Can you get the image of your grandparents fucking out of your head?

I don't know, I can't really picture them fucking out of my head, I'm not sure how they would accomplish that.

I feel shame. Lots of shame.

Posted by Taco @ 09/01/2007 12:30 PM PDT
Hee hee. You said bush.
Posted by Coyote @ 08/31/2007 05:54 PM PDT
Masturbating in public is bush league, kid. Wait til you see my answer and then you may stop talking to me.
Posted by fett @ 08/30/2007 12:22 PM PDT
I don' No, no that's not it.

Also, don't lie, you want them all at once.
Posted by Inga @ 08/30/2007 11:41 AM PDT
That public restroom wasn't the unisex one in the old club Nation on gay night in DC, was it?

Also, I want to add Johnny Depp, Viggo Mortensen, and the Spartan cast of 300 (not all at once) to my answer to #3.
Posted by Taco @ 08/30/2007 10:07 AM PDT
P.S. Bitch. :)
Posted by Taco @ 08/30/2007 10:07 AM PDT
I love you, you great burly hunk of man.

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