Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You are not special

First posted 8-23-07

You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
- Fight Club

I supposedly get the same 5 questions to answer as Inga, mostly because Damo is LAZY. And I feel a sudden sense of sibling pride, cause I don't WANNA share my questions with Inga. She has cooties.

But I will answer them nonetheless because it means avoiding work I don't want to do. And SOMEONE hasn't gotten me her 5 questions to answer yet.


Anyways, here we go.

1. What's the worst injury you've ever had, and how did it happen?

I blew my knees out in high school playing football. Which sounds more hard core than it was. I joined the football team my freshman year halfway through the season and during the first practice blew my left knee out. I had to wear a brace for weeks. It wasn't later that I found out I also hurt my right knee, it was just wasn't as bad as compared to the left. By the time I healed it was the last game of the season, I played two plays, got burned on both and never played again.

The other one was a stress fracture in my left foot. I think it was a stress fracture at least. Walking to biochemistry one morning in college my foot started KILLING me. But I didn't go to see the doctor, I just wrapped an ace bandage around it and hobbled around on a broken bone for 6 weeks. Cause I'm a big, dumb, stubborn MALE.

2. Have you ever been overseas, if so where, if not why not?

Closest I've come was going on a Disney cruise when I was like 11. We went over a sea, required a passport, close enough. I wouldn't mind traveling to a few other countries but I don't fit on airplanes. Maybe a steamship cruise, that could be fun.

3. If you had to blow up Italy or France, which would you choose?

Hmmm, France has wonderful culture, art, wine. Italy has great food. Probably France. Cause.

4. What are your feelings about religion, ghosts and pirates?

Religion: nothing in human history has contributed more to atrocities being committed against one another. Nothing in human history has attributed more to the structure and advancement of society. Religion can be a wonderful thing. Most religions, when you get down to the original material and message, are pretty good. Most of them describe a lifestyle or philosophy that advocates getting along with one another, which I am totally cool with. It's when people start implementing those ideas that things go awry. It's like a gun. It can be a useful tool, but in the hands of an idiot it can be very...very...dangerous.l

Ghosts: I have yet to see one and if I did it would probably freak me the fuck out. On a physical and spiritual level.

Pirates: I liked pirates before they were cool, damnit. But they are cool nonetheless. Also, I am linking this because I wish it were true with all my pants.

5. Do you have strong opinions about mexican waves, high fives and "WASSSUUUUUUUP"?

I had to look up what a mexican wave was, but I've heard the term before. My opinion is meh. They are cool the first couple times, after that, take it or leave it. I'm scared of high fives. I'm serious. I am missing a critical muscle in my arm that allows for masculine high fives. I have no coordination with them. I either half hit the other persons hand or miss it completely. And then I look As far as WASSUUUUUUP I kind of wish that had caught on more. Cause I thought it was funny.

Posted by Damo @ 08/29/2007 02:59 AM PDT
Oh man, I can't believe you caved! YAY!
Posted by fett @ 08/28/2007 10:20 AM PDT
You will get no questions from me sir, as you, sir, did not provide, sir, my own questions, sir.

Oh fine, here's a couple.

1. Explain the meaning of your screen name. At least one of them.

2. Monkey's, funny or no? (respond without using the letter f)

3. You are forced to give up one musical genre for the rest of your life, which one do you chose?

4. Discuss why Tom Waits is the greatest musician known to man.

5. You are a wurlitzer. GO!
Posted by Damo @ 08/25/2007 12:08 AM PDT
*highfives Coyote*

You snooze, you lose!

Sorry about the lazy five Qs, the link to this blog from your blogger profile was giving me an error page at work so I figured you didn't have anywhere to post them... now that you have, give me Qs of my own, damn it!
Posted by Taco @ 08/24/2007 02:55 PM PDT
Heh... I had forgotten that dream. I vote that we re-enact the dream at TacoCon. You know. 'Cause.
Posted by Inga @ 08/24/2007 12:26 PM PDT
Fine, you whiney ho-bag.

1) What is your favorite breakfast cereal and why?

2) Would you rather eat a deep-fried guinea pig or fried-crickets-kabob and why?

3) Which would you rather visit: Maachu Pichu or the Temple of the Sun? Why?

4) Time period in history you would most want to visit?

5) You are going to have sex with Taco and Coyote at the same time. Who sucks your dick and who gives it to you in the ass? You are not allowed to have them take turns/alternate. GO!
Posted by Inga @ 08/24/2007 11:46 AM PDT
Can I offer you some freedom fries?
Posted by fett @ 08/24/2007 10:36 AM PDT
*runs away*
Posted by Coyote @ 08/23/2007 08:16 PM PDT
High five!

*holds up hand*


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