Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Shameless theft

First posted 8-9-07

I am shamelessly stealing this survey from Damo's blog. Mostly because I thought of some clever answers while reading it. I mean really, this kind of thing is silly. I'm sure you really don't want to read about what my three favorite TV shows are. It's really more fun for me to answer than you to read, and it kills some time. But it's my blog so I'll do whatever I damn well please and you can't do anything about it so what are you going to do, sit there and cry, baby? Baby gonna cry?


01. What's the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?

Scream. No, actually the first thing I do is open my eyes. Then I scream. Honestly though, the first thing I do when I wake up is fall back asleep. The alarm is set for 30 minutes before I actually need to get up.

02. Do you prefer a shower or bath?

Shower probably. It's not an option for me as they do not make bathtubs to account for people my size. Well, they do, but they are called wading pools *budum ching*. I might like a bath, but I would need a large bathtub.

03. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?

Once, in the morning. But the real answer is "not enough".

04. How often do you find yourself thinking about your ex?

I don't have an ex, but I'd imagine it would be a lot. I'm an obsessive person.

05. What kind of cell phone do you have?

A Motorala Razr. I bought the damn thing the day I found out I was diabetic because it was a bad day and it was hot and sexy at the time. I've had nothing but troubles since. I should probably get a new phone.

06. What would you do with a 10 bill you found on the ground?

What 10 dollar bill? *shifty eyes*

07. What would you do with your significant other if you knew today was your last day with them?

Depends, am I dying? Are they dying? Are we breaking up? If someone is dying, lots of sex. If we're breaking up...probably lots of sex anyways. I say that never actually having had sex with my significant other. Which makes me LAME.

08. Have you said "I love you" today?

Not yet. But I tell my girlfriend I love her every night.

09. What's one thing you actually remember about kindergarten?

I remember two things but I'll only write one down. There was this table, just your normal table but underneath it was a blanket/rug thing and had a piece of cardboard taped to the back wall. On the cardboard was painted (crudely) a forest. The teacher called that place Australia and said that if we ever got upset about something or bothered or wanted to be left alone, all we had to do was go to Australia. I went there once. We were starting to learn how to read. And I didn't want to. I distinctly remember not wanting to read though I don't remember why. Ironic that reading became a passion soon after.

10. Did you cry at your graduation or smile because you were glad it was over?

Which one of the three? Doesn't matter, all the same. I smiled. I was happy. All of them were a lot of work and it was a time to celebrate it.

11. Are you closer with your mum or dad?

I haven't spoken to my father in 10 years. I don't plan on trying to either.

12. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?

I have Irish heritege. I don't tan. I burn. And when the burn fades I am just as pale as I was before. So this question can fuck right off. I'll stay in the shade, thank you.

13. Is chocolate really better than sex?

Never had sex...but I don't like chocolate that much, so I'm going to say no on this one. And my right hand agrees.

14. What are 2 of your favorite movies?

I have been noted a number of times saying my two favorite movies are Casablanca and The Matrix. One is the greatest movie ever made. The other is the greatest movie ever made for me.

15. What's the last thing you think about before going to sleep at night?

Probably worrying about something. Or mastrubating. Then again I think about mastrubating a lot so it's a pretty safe bet.

16. What would you do if your best friend jumped on your ex the day after you two split?

My paranoia would dictate that I obsess on whether they were going out before we even split. And then I would despise the both of them. That's just not cool.

17. How many rumours have you heard about yourself?

A couple.

18. Which one did you find to be the funniest?

One that I was a racist. Muhammad thought so because I treated him like shit. It wasn't because he was...Turkish? It was because he was an asshole. One of my best friends in the world is a muslim from India.

19. Does your life seem to revolve around drama?

Hard to say. I hate drama, I really do. Can't stand it. And yet my life seems to become filled with it. I think it must be the paranoia.

20. What's a nickname you go by?

fett. Arawen. Arroll. Cane. Cane is an actual nickname given to me that gets used. Which is funny, because it's a nickname in WoW where I already don't use my real name. So it's practically a nickname of a nickname.

21. How do you calm down when your extremely angry?

Seethe for a while. Then close my eyes and control my breathing.

22. Do you prefer to work hard or hardly work?

See this crown on my head? They don't call me King of Procrastination for nothing.

23. What are 3 places you want to see in the world?

Paris. I've watched too many old movies, it has given me the impression that Paris is a city of pure magic. I imagine the reality would be disappointing. I would like to roll Ireland, Scotland and England into that one as they are all sort of near each other. Tokyo, because I've got a very large oriental streak in me, plus the japanese are crazy in a way that I love. Finally, Australia. Because I think I would like it.

24. A movie or a long walk in the park on the first date?

Movie, no doubt. It's spending time with them without having to make awkward conversation. It's like training wheels for a real date.

25. What are 3 of the first things you notice about the opposite sex?

I won't lie. #1 breasts. First thing I look at on every woman. Not that they have to meet some sort of requirement, just that I want to know what they look like. #2 hair color, cause it's obvious. #3 personality.

26. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Probably being desperate to get out of my postdoc, as they are only supposed to take 4 years and mine will undoubtedly run long.

27. In 10?

Desperately trying to get funding to keep what po-dunk faculty position I get.

28. Do long distance relationships actually work out?

I am going to be a cynic. Being in a long distance relationship right now is teaching me just how hard it is. So I'm going to say no. To work out you need two people willing to do whatever necessary to make it work. For the vast majority of people, it won't happen. I'm hoping mine is the exception.

29. Ever thought you met "The One"?

Couple times. But there is no "The One". There is only "A One". If god made people in pairs statistics tells us they would likely never meet. It seems to me more about finding out who you are, who they are, and if we work together.

30. What are 2 of your favorite places to eat?

Burger King. The King has gotten me through many a rough time. Otherwise, any number of places in Athens. Barbaritos (I miss it already), Wild Wing, Five Star, Gyro Wrap, the cuban sandwich place (IT WILL ALWAYS BE CALIENTE CAB, DAMNIT), Depalma's, Clocked, Blind Pig. So really, my second favorite place to eat is Athens.

31. 3 of your favorite places to shop?

Best Buy. Barnes and Noble. Obscurely named porn shops on desolate turnpikes in the middle of no where. In exemplo, the place named The Lions Den that I stopped at somewhere in the middle of Kentucky when I moved to Indiana. These places are awesome. I'm going to have to do a blog entry on the few places like these I've stopped at in my life. So I like porn, got a problem with it? When your girlfriend lives hundreds of miles away, you do what you can to get by.

32. Do you currently have a job?

No, I have a "career".

33. Which would you rich and miserable, or poor and extremely happy?

I am physically incapable of happiness. It just doesn't happen. So if I'm going to be miserable I'm going to take the money with it, thank you.

34. What's one of your favorite TV shows?

The only thing I watch on television at this point is sports.

35. Does your life revolve around drama?

Didn't...didn't we have this question already?

36. What did you want to be when you "grow up"?

Marine biologist I think was the most common answer. It's what kids always say when they like reading about dolphins and underwater shit.

37. Would you ever date someone covered in tats and piercings?

They would have to have one hell of a personality (or really big untatooed breasts). I just don't find excessive tattoo's or piercings attractive. It's just not me. Sometimes a small tattoo can be ok (I've even considered one for myself), and some piercings can be sexy. But a walking pile of ink and metal? No thank you.

38. What's your favorite perfume or cologne for the opposite sex?

Au de Getiton.

39. Do you believe the first kiss tells you everything you need to know about the relationship?

Absolutely fucking not. As if you got everything right on the first time.

40. Where do your hands go when kissing someone?

Between the cushions looking for loose change.

41. Do you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

I'm told SpongeBob SquarePants. But I'm told a lot of things.

42. How many showers do you take in one day?

One. Sometimes two if I work out and get all sweaty.

43. Are those better when you've got someone to join you?

Most of the time.

44. Would you want a house at the beach or in the mountains?

You know, this is hard question for me. I don't like heat and sun, so beaches generally are a no-go for me, and I love mountains. But there is something really really appealing for a house on the beach. Can't I have both?

45. Which would you rather have...a huge walk in shower or a jacuzzi bath tub big enough for 2?

Giant shower in a jacuzzi. Why settle?

46. What are 2 of your favorite colors?

Judging by the color t-shirts I wear, faded green and faded black.

47. Do you look up or at your feet when you walk?

I look up.

48. What do you think about people that are extremely skinny and actually like the way they look?

It's so goddamn hard to be happy with your self image. If they are happy with the way they look? More power to them.

49. Who do you prefer...Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?

Jolie. She does something funny to me. I mean, she is oddly proportioned but in a totally sexy kind of way. And Aniston was always too skinny and brought in the long, straight hair fashion, which I can't stand. I like hair with curls damnit. Plus, Jolie looks good in leather..

50. What's your favorite ice cream?

RE: 5 things. Mint chocolate chip ice cream is the food of the gods..

51. Do you like Starbucks...or are they just overpriced?

I don't like Starbucks culture, and I don't like that most of the things they sell are more desserts than coffee, but damn lattes have gotten me through a couple hangovers in New Orleans, so props to them..

52. Are you a prep or a jeans-and-t-shirt type of person?

Modern day camoflouge baby. Jeans and T-shirt..

53. What color are your eyes?

Hazel. So mostly gray unless I'm wearing a green shirt, then they can be a dark emerald green. One of the few aspects that I've gotten compliments on, when I wear green shirts and people go "your eyes are so green".

54. Do you have glasses or contacts?

Glasses. Contacts can fuck off. Touch your own eyeball? Fuck that.

55. Ever had someone you love tell you they never want to see or talk to you again?

No, but I've told that to people. I've got a little emo in me..

56. How many times has an ex just called you up when you least expect it?

What's an ex?

57. Is it love at first sight or lust?

Usually lust. I've had, what I call, moments. Moments of connection with someone that isn't lust. But that's rare.

58. Which do you want...a big extravagant wedding or a quiet intimate ceremony?

There are no quiet intimate weddings, unless you are Matt and Tasha. And that is why Matt and Tasha are awesome.

59. What's the most expensive thing you own?

Car, computer, my big ass honkin TV set (aka my new penis) and my movie collection.

60. What's the most you've ever spent on a pair of jeans?

Like 50-60 bucks. Big and Tall charges out the ass.

61. What color are your bedroom walls?

Standard apartment cream. I ain't fucking painting.

62. Do you ever actually make your bed?

Why? I'm just going to unmake it later.

63. How many pillows do you have to sleep with?

Two. Down pillows. Cushy please.

64. Do you prefer to sleep alone or with someone?

Why, you offering?

65. What is one of your pet peeves?

This is going to sound cliche, but lying. I hate people who lie.

66. What could you tolerate...someone who snores or a sleep walker?

Sleepwalking probably. Snoring would bother me all the time. Sleepwalking would bother me only once in a while.

67. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Shit, I don't know. Carving "Boba Fett Forever" into the schools bass when I graduated? Stopping at porn stores on the highway? Probably a couple other things but I'm not willing to admit to them yet.

68. Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump?

Sky dive. Longer time to contemplate your death when things fuck up.

69. Ever been outside of the US?

Canada. So no.

70. Ever think Texas should just be part of Mexico?

Will that mean that Texas goes away? Cause if so, I'm all for it. God I hate Texas. Just remember that wonderful blues song There's Nothing Wrong With Texas (That Leaving Won't Fix).

71. How much do you think your house would be worth if it was setting in the hills of California?

Too much.

72. What do you honestly think about the kids on Sweet 16?

I don't speak your language.

73. Are the shows on MTV too fake?

I haven't watched MTV since they stopped showing music videos.

74. Do you have to have some kind of noise to fall asleep?

Yes. I have a sound machine (actually two) and I always use the river sound. I like to fall asleep to the sound of moving water. I can't stand trying to fall asleep to silence. I keep listening for things.

75. What time is it right now?

3:15 PM.

76. What's your zodiac sign?

Age of Aquarius.

77. How long does it usually take you to get dressed?

What do you mean by getting dressed? As in the full deal of getting up, showering, dressing, etc? I do it usually in about a half hour. Just physically putting clothes on? 4 minutes. Shirt, socks, jeans, off we go.

78. Do you prefer to call or text someone?

Text. I am so bad over the phone. As many people can attest to, I am a much better person through writing.

79. Who is your celebrity heart-throb?

Currently I have a gigantic man-crush on Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame. Also, I would leave my girlfriend for Carrie Anne Moss and Natalie Portman in a second. Preferably if they were together. With a smattering of Scarlett Johannson on the side. Man I'm going to have good dreams tonight.

80. Would you have survived 100 years ago?

I'm fat. I'd be dead within 5 years.

81. What do you think the world will be like in 30 years?

Depressingly similar as it is today, just with more idiots.

82. Do you have to be the center of attention?

Absolutely unequivocably not. While there have been times I have been referred to as a social butterfly (usually at meetings), I can't stand being the center of attention.

83. Do you save your money or spend it when you get your hands on it?

When I was a child I saved like a miser. Now? Spend spend spend.

84. Are you a party animal or someone who prefers to stay in?

Stay in to the point of hermatige.

85. Ever been told you are "The Life of The Party"?

RE: social butterfly comment.

86. Did you get a new year's kiss?

Nope. It's something I'm looking forward to at one point in my life.

87. What was one thing you wanted for your birthday you didn't get?


88. Are you a happy person?


89. If money was no option...what type of car would you own?

You know, I am honestly the kind of person that doesn't give a shit what car I have. To me, a car is a tool. It gets me from one place to another. All I ask is that it doesn't break down, and I'm happy. Other than that? Hemi cuda.

90. Do you think you could actually survive the cost of living in California or New York?

I am making decent money...but not that much.

91. How many concerts have you been to?

Ummmm, two North Mississippi Allstars, one Paul Simon, one John Mayer. Couple Athens local people.

92. What are 3 set radio stations in your vehicle right now?

Don't listen to the radio in the car. But my XM radio is set to Bluesville 95% of the time. And the other 5% is when I listen to Cubs games.

93. Do they "wear-out" good songs by over playing them?

It's impossible to wear out good blues songs.

94. What's one thing you always said you'd never do but have done?

Watch or read anything to do with Harry Potter. I haven't actually done it yet, but my girlfriend says we won't have sex until I at least see a couple movies. So, you know, she's literally got me by the balls on this one.

95. Have you ever flat ironed your hair?

Nope, never been long enough.

96. What's the most you've ever payed for shampoo and conditioner?

Fuck if I know.

97. Was it actually worth it?

See above.

98. Ever been told you're a flirt?

Yes. And I am.

99. What have you done that you are proud of?

Pour through my old blog entries and you'll find one. I spoke to an attractive woman on a train.

100. Do you go to church every Sunday?

Do I go to church ever?.

101. Do you have a hidden talent?

Yes. Several actually. Few people know me well enough to know even more than a couple of my talents.

102. Are you an adrenaline junkie or someone who plays-it-safe?

I get winded climbing up two flights of stairs, what do you think?

103. Do you like water parks?

I did when I was a kid before I became too embarassed to take off my shirt.

104. What do you normally eat for breakfast?

It changes. Lately I've been eating a Stouffers Turkey Club panini. Granted, it's not particularly healthy, but considering I used to eat nothing at all, I consider it an improvement.

105. What do you think of those people that will actually pay 0 per person to eat dinner?


106. Ever been called a tease?

Flirt? Yes. Tease? No. Tease is about denial of something. I won't deny anyone anything.

107. What is one of your childhood memories?

Gigantic R2D2 birthday cake. Like, standing upright huge. Hell yeah, bitches.

108. Do you like to cuddle?

Haven't tried, but I like personal contact so I'm guessing yes.

109. Do you have an actual comforter on your bed?

Yes, but no blankets or anything. I use the comforter year round.

110. Do you like hot or cold weather?


111. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Garfield and friends? Conan the Adventurer?

112. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Dogs suck. Give me a cat any day.

113. When no one is you actually walk around naked?

I am ashamed of my body. I don't even like to look at myself in the mirror, let alone naked.

114. Have you ever seen a ghost?

No, which is surprising given how batshit crazy I am.

115. What's the best movie you've seen recently?

The last movie that sticks out in my mind as a completely and totally kickass film was Children of Men.

116. Do you prefer scary movies or comedies?

I HATE scary movies. Give a good comedy any day. Sad how they make so few of those.

117. Ever had a huge crush on someone and never tell them?

All...the...fucking...time. I'm a huge coward.

118. Did your high school have the cliques like Mean Girls?

Not as obvious, but yes. Every place has cliques.

119. Are you a bashful or outgoing person?

Other than scientific meetings, bashful.

120. If you could change one thing about your body...would you?

Yes, I'd get a new body.

121. If someone held a gun to your head and asked you..."Do you believe in God?" what would you say?

I would take the next hour and a half to describe the specifics of my personal philosphy that has taken me years to come to terms with. By that point, they're probably bored, asleep or dead.

122. Would you drive 1000 miles for the one you love?

Already did 750 miles, not that much further.

123. What was one thing you were given as a child and still have?

My fly rod.

124. Do you have a favorite shirt or pair of jeans you wear over and over?

Well, I have enough clothes to last me about two weeks between washings, so under those circumstances I'd have to say ALL my shirts and jeans are my favorite.

125. Will you move away from your hometown any time soon?

Already did and even came back a little. I tell me mother I had to make up for the fact that both my sisters still live within 10 minutes of her by moving across the country.

126. Would you actually relocate for the one you can't live without?

At this point, I don't think so. I've put a lot of effort into my job just to throw it away. But it would really depend on how much "I can't live without".

127. Does love really make you act crazy?

*reads my old blog entries*


128. How many texts do you send on average a month?

There was a time I was sending about 40 a month to my girlfriend. She's stopped texting me, so very few now.

129. Have you ever talked to a psychic?

No, but I sooooooo want to try it.

130. How many kids do you want?

Two and exactly two. If any.

131. What's your favorite name for a girl and boy?

Fuck if I know. I'll think about if I ever have kids.

132. Have you ever actually snuck out of your house?

Once. I got caught and in a lot of trouble.

133. How many things have you done that your parents don't know about?

Lots. And lots.

134. Ever been taken to jail?

No, I'm the good child.

135. Have you ever had a pen pal?

Not as in we'd call each other pen pals. But yes.

136. What are you about to do now that this survey is over?

Procrastinate from work some more.

Posted by Coyote @ 08/09/2007 08:08 PM PDT
How do you not like scary movies?

All that and this is what I chose to focus on. I gotta be meeeeeeeeeeee.

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