Friday, November 9, 2007

Dreams be dreams

First posted 4-28-04

"Dreams are dreams
And all this living is so much harder than it seems"
- Jack Johnson "Dreams be Dreams"

I dreamed of a woman with short blond hair. Stocky, but trim and compact. And I dreamed of her lips. I know her lips, pressed full against mine. The dream was long, often pointless, and often irrelevent. But the woman in my dreams. Another case of wooing, but this one involved stolen kisses, and once again I knew I would win her in the end. But I remember her lips. Vivid.

I suppose it was because I watched Kansas City Confidential before going to bed last night. I had seen the last 10 minutes of that movie sometime, but more importantly I saw Coleen Gray. My lord, what a beauty. So it was on a few days ago and I taped it to see all it. But mostly for Coleen Gray. She strikes me dumb. Movie was engaging enough as well, sort of a pseudo-noir. Had a very young Jack Elam and an equally young Lee Van Cleef. Odd. Anyways, I suppose she was on my mind as I went to bed and dreamt of a beauty and kisses. Strange in that my dreams usually don't get that touchy-feely. Very rarely that much contact. But my god what a feeling. If I could start, I'd never stop.

This what I'm reduced to. Living in my dreams.

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