Wednesday, November 21, 2007

She's filled with tough love

First posted 8-24-07

I should make Inga patron saint of bullwhips, cattle prods and saran wrap while I'm at it.

So here's the 5 questions she gave me to answer. I...yeah...

1) What is your favorite breakfast cereal and why?

I'd have to say Rice Crispies. They are tasty and I have no idea why. I mean, it's basically air. I enjoy Honey Nut Cheerios and Total as well, but I get sick of those after a while.

2) Would you rather eat a deep-fried guinea pig or fried-crickets-kabob and why?

Guinea pig. I've had two people I know travel to Peru and I believe James at least tried the guinea pig. As I recall he said it was greasy but otherwise not bad. Plus, meat is meat. And I have issues with insects. Not a phobia, just a very strong dislike. People who know my Georgia stories understand why.

3) Which would you rather visit: Maachu Pichu or the Temple of the Sun? Why?

Considering I had to look up Temple of the Sun that should be your answer. But I'd still rather see Maachu Pichu. Both people I know that went to Peru visited there and they raved about it. It sounds really...peaceful. And I'd like to visit peaceful places.

4) Time period in history you would most want to visit?

Man, this is a tough one. There are tons of periods in history that fascinate me. Medeival England, the Old West, Jeruselam around the time of Christ, ancient Egypt, pretty much all of Japan's history. But the one that probably stands out most to me is ancient Rome. I'd just want to see what life was really like back then. I took Latin in college, which is part learning the language and part learning about Rome. And I love reading about the graffitti on the walls of Pompei. I am just fascinated by Rome.

5) You are going to have sex with Taco and Coyote at the same time. Who sucks your dick and who gives it to you in the ass? You are not allowed to have them take turns/alternate. GO!

Um, why do you ask? No, nevermind, I don't want to know. Also, YAY!


To answer the question, despite how much I'd like to think to the contrary I'd probably be Coyote's bitch. So he'd be pitching and I'd be catching. Which would leave Taco to cover the front end.

I feel dirty now.

Posted by Coyote @ 08/25/2007 10:52 AM PDT
That's right bitch!


I'm so fucking manly I wish I were a woman so I could fuck me. Wrap your mind around it, it's awesome.
Posted by Inga @ 08/24/2007 02:57 PM PDT
None of those answers surprises me except I thought you might prefer the Temple of the Sun.

Also, please officially add bull whips, cattle prods, and saran wrap to my jurisdiction, k spanks.

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